ONTHE TOWN은 도시의 다양성과 자유로움, 그리고 예측 불허의 아름다움을 담아내는 것을 목표로 하며,

우리의 제품을 통해, 자신의 라이프스타일을 사랑하는 분들에게 특별한 경험을 선사합니다. 

그럼 지금부터 온더타운만의 디자인 세계를 감상해 보실까요? 

It is a Unique of Objet for the modern lifestyle.
Knowledge and skills were inherited to develop the product - 

from the proportion of creative and Design.


Not just a bowl.
“In working in clay, one communes with other works that have been fabricated and
exist over hundreds and thousands of years,”

© by ONTHETOWN All Rights Reserved.

ASTERGLOBAL (아스터글로벌) | 599-40-01179 | 

TAEWON KIM |070 8098 4128 | 

520, Misa-daero, C-dong 732-2

Hanam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea |

CS: AM11 - PM5, Lunch PM1 - PM2, 
Weedend and Holiday Off)

📧 business.town@onthetownproject.com

All Photo by ⓒ Tom Crew on Unsplash view

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CEO: TAEWONKIM ㅣ  599-40-01179

520, Misa-daero, C-dong 732-2

Hanam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

CS: 070 8098 4128 (AM11 - PM5, Lunch PM1 - PM2, Weedend and Holiday Off)

📧 business.town@onthetownproject.com

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